hosting a holiday party

holiday party buffetA few years ago, we contributed Holiday Party Tips for With the holidays  in full swing, we thought it was the perfect time to share these tips with you.

  1. Create a budget. Nobody likes a surprise when checking out at the grocery store. A little planning will go a long way.
  2. If you are preparing the food, create a menu and timeline for when you need to shop, prepare and cook everything so you can be 100% ready. Prepare as much as you can in the days leading up to the party.
  3. Preparing in advance also includes planning the serving dishes. To make sure you have enough and the right size serving dishes, put them all out on your dining room table and decide which dish will go on which plate using sticky notes.
  4. Plan your outfit in ahead of time. The day of the event can be hectic, no matter how much you prepare and plan. Everyone wants to look their best, but getting ready time can be minimal so have your party look, including accessories, laid out and ready to go. Try it all on a week before to make sure you love it and everything works.
  5. Use unexpected items in your décor. Think a vase filled with cranberries or ball ornaments.

You can read the rest of the story here.image via martha stewart


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