12 days of christmas workout

Now holiday parties are in full swing complete with food, family, friends, and more food. If you want to burn some calories in between eggnog toasts and trips to the dessert table, check out this “12 Days of Christmas” workout. If you're not sure how to do a Russian Twist or any of the other exercises, click the links for video tutorials of each. Extra credit for singing along!maria-fernanda-gonzalez-461521.jpg12 Days of Christmas WorkoutOne Minute PlankTwo V-UpsThree PushupsFour Sit-upsFive Tricep DipsSix Mountain ClimbersSeven LungesEight Jumping JacksNine Russian TwistsTen SquatsEleven BurpeesTwelve Leg LeversRepeat 3x as fast as you can!image via maria fernanda gonzalezSaveSave


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